Saturday, October 27, 2007

First Trip To The Pumpkin Patch

It's officially Fall! This past Wednesday all of the cousins got together for a trip to the pumpkin patch! We couldn't have picked a more beautiful day to go, the weather was absolutely gorgeous. All of the kids had such a great time, Keslin loved all of the stimulation...there was so much to look at! She is one happy kiddo as long as she can be outside. Hopefully we will be making our yearly fall trip to the pumpkin patch for many more years to come.

1 comment:

A little about us... said...

How fun! Loving the pics of all the kids together, it is such a fun time there! Keslin is growing so big! What a doll she is! Take care, hope she is feeling better soon, hard on baby and mama, bless you! Love, Sharrie