Monday, August 6, 2007

Our Day Trip to Clatskanie!

Today Keslin and I drove to Clatskanie to visit my good friend Sharrie and her little boys Mathew and Daniel. Daniel was born on the same day as Keslin almost exactly 12 hours apart! Sharrie and I hadn't seen each other since the babies were two weeks old, so it was definitely time for a visit. The babies were so cute together, hopefully they will be buddies as they continue to get older! Sharrie and I had a great day together and were finally able to catch up with one's so hard to do that these days, even over the phone! Here are some pictures of the two little cutie pies, man they are getting big!!


A little about us... said...

Okay, are they too cute or what! I used some pics of yours to our blog, thanks! I am so glad you came... gotta do that more often. :) Daniel seriously rolled over twice after you left, it was so funny! I was like wow, he saw Keslin moving all over he got inspired. Thanks for coming out here! See you again soon! :)

Tanya Kangas said...

Wow, looks like a blast! Wish I could have gotten in on that trip! Next time we'll have to get the three of them together.