Because of the low progesterone level (which is the hormone that sustains a pregnancy), it was uncertain whether the pregnancy would continue to progress normally in order for the baby to survive. My doctor told me that if I made it to week 13 which is when the placenta is suppose to take over all hormonal function...the pregnancy would more than likely proceed normally. So here we are...finally past that mark of uncertainty and ready to announce our blessed news!
I have already had three ultrasounds, all of which the baby looked super healthy and active, thank you lord! There have been many prayers and sleepless nights thus far wondering if this little miracle was going to make it, and thus far there has been no further complications. Hopefully things will continue going well.
Oh, and the best part is that we already get to find out what the baby is on the 31st of this month. The ultrasound tech at my doctor's office is the sweetest lady ever, she remembered Aaron and I from doing our ultrasounds with the girls, and knowing that this is our third baby offered us an early "gender check" free of charge because she knows how curious we are if we are going to be welcoming a boy into the Stoddard household. It feels like the chances of that are slim, but I guess that's what the natural feeling would be when you are use to having two little princesses in the house. We are going to be excited with whatever we are blessed with...all we can hope and wish for is to have a healthy baby! We will keep you posted as to what we are having in a couple of weeks.
The official due date is February 19th! All three of our kiddos are going to be almost exactly 18 months apart which we are really excited about, Keslin and Bronwyn are becoming great little buddies...we can't wait to see the dynamics this baby is going to bless our family with. I am so excited to have a baby bump again, it's amazing how your uterus has a memory and just pops right back out! Being pregnant is such a magical time and i truly feel blessed that I get to experience it again.
Congrats Kristen! Glad the news is out! Happy Anniversary too!! Love you. Kisses to the girls.
Thanks Jen! Talk to you soon. Give Allie a kiss for us too.
WOW! Congrats Kristen! We need to get together soon. So happy for you, hope everything continues to go well during the pregnancy.
Yeah, we are so excited to welcome another Stoddard to the family! Can you believe all the cousins and great times we are going to have?! Congrats guys!
Yeah!!!!!! 13 weeks is great news! now I'll be stalking you for more info! Love you guys.
What happy news - congratulations! Boy or girl, I hope you have a happy and healthy six more months and a beautiful bundle to love thereafter.
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